Humans are social animals. Although we long for our peace and solitude at times, we mostly thrive in the company of others. From our childhood to adult life, we have various relationships with the people around us. And our modern world capitalized on this relationship-based society in making social media what it is today. There are all sorts of social media everywhere but still, people can’t get enough of it. Social media users grew exponentially and it is now even used in growing and promoting businesses as well.
Along with the advent of the Internet are E-Commerce businesses. This platform enabled most conventional businesses to sell online and even opened up a whole new plethora of internet-based businesses only. And then along came social media to take things to a higher level. The ads you see on your screen are there for a reason and many people are making money out of it. Even E-Commerce sites are using social media to grow their profit and tap a wider audience.
…Facebook, Social Media and E-Commerce boom and their connection.
When the internet was born, it was helping the armies, however, it began as a competitive advantage for every business that embraced it. Nowadays, very quickly,